Take a look at the technical specifications

Technical Specifications


Product code:  finto codice prodotto 
Power Supply:  3V DC
Electrical absorption:  8mA
Working temperature: -10+55° C
Channels: 2
Encoding: Fixed or Rolling Code
Modulation: AM/ASK
Carrier frequency: 433.92Mhz
Combinations: 65.536 (fix code) - 4.294.967.296 (Rolling Code)
Type of fixed codes clonable: MANCHESTER, PCM, Max64bit
Bit number of identification code: 16 (fix code) - 32 (Rolling Code)
Number of bits transmitted: 28 (fix code) - 144 (Rolling Code)
Copy function: Yes (only fix code)
Maximum distance open field: 150m
Battery: MOD "CR2032" 3V
Packed product weight (kg): 0.04
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